 >  Terms and Conditions
 >  Council Homepage
After you register, your password will be emailed to the address you give below.
Email Address :  *
Confirm Email Address :  *
Title : 
First Name :  *
Surname :  *
Company Name : 
Building Name/Number :  *
Street Name :  *
Locality : 
Town :  *
County : 
Post Code :  *
Telephone :  *
Mobile Telephone : 
Building Control Applicants Only
If submitting a Property Certificate request an electronic Property Certificate in PDF format will be issued by default. If you require paper copies to be posted, tick this box. Please note that this will take 3-5 working days after completion.
Paper Certificates Required : 
If you are a solicitor, architect or builder please choose the agent user type otherwise please select applicant. If you do not pick a user type it will be assumed you are an applicant.
User Type : 
Agent      Applicant 
* indicates required information